6 Months. Where to begin. Annika has been in our lives for the past 6 months! I know people say this a lot but it's so true. Being a parent is the most rewarding yet hardest thing I've done. I can't believe how quickly she has grown up! I look at her every day and say, "aww my baby!!!" Literally, I say that everyday. I try not to but I can't help it. I look at her and want to cry because I feel so overwhelmingly in love with her. I want to cuddle her sweet little self ALL DAY LONG!
I think what's even crazier to see change, is who I am and who Curtis is. For 6 months now we have been parents. And to be a parent, we have found, you have to sacrifice A LOT. More so than I think either of us were really prepared to do, but it is 100% worth it. We have both had our moments of sheer panic wondering what we got ourselves into, but in the end we have started our little family and it's amazing. We may not sleep anymore (at all), or go out as much, or spend as much time on our hobbies, but right now we are doing exactly what we want to be doing. And that's spending time with our beautiful little girl as much as possible, and watching her grow and learn!
Annika is truly the perfect baby in my humble opinion. Ok not perfect, she doesn't sleep much, BUT she is getting better. So here's what is going on with Annika at 6 months old!
* All Smiles - she is the happiest baby, and loves people and getting out and doing things, seriously she's all smiles
* Eating Solids - she starting showing signs of wanting food around 3 months so we started her at 4 months and she LOVES food. Maybe even more than me, which is saying something. She's so good at chewing, or gumming, whatever you want to call it. I'm so proud
* Sitting up on her own - this one is newer and it's crazy! She will sit up and just look around and play with her toys and it blows my mind. It's causing problems with her eating though - she can't get the bottle right when she's sitting up, she's learning
* Talking - she just baby babbles all day, and will laugh randomly. I can only assume she's telling us some great jokes
* Spitting - I always said I would never teach my child to spit, but.....it's so cute!!! and she thinks she's hilarious. You can tell how proud she is of herself everytime. I love it.
* Dancing - this girl LOVES it when you dance with her or sit her down and dance around her, I hope she's always like that
* Sleeping better - She goes down for naps really well, they usually last about 45 minutes and then she's ready to go! Bedtime is getting better, she now sleeps for 4 hour stretches which was way better than the 1.5 hour stretches she was doing until about two weeks ago!
* Grabbing things - She is one wiggly baby! Always reaching and grunting trying to get her arms to reach a little bit farther. She wants to grab anything and everything and often zones out just starring at something and then starts laughing and reaching for it.
Here's to learning new things and growing like a weed! Love you little miss Annika Jan!